Monday, July 20, 2015

7 - Princess

I'm kyla, the princess

I am unique and beautiful
I wonder how humans come to life
I hear triumphant sounds
I see rainbows and unicorns
I want to be successful
I am unique and beautiful

I pretend I am strong
I feel like sinking in water
I touch clouds

I fear rejections
I cry whenever my mom is gone
I am unique and beautiful

I understand I am a child of God
I say "You are carefully and wonderfully made."
I dream of being in cloud nine
I try to make my parents proud
I hope I can be myself at all times without
Someone judging.
I am unique and beautiful
                            "I am Kyle, The princess"

Sunday, July 19, 2015

6 - Shatter me

My touch is power.
Shatter me is a science-fiction book that is all about a girl, named Juliette. She has a power and her touch is lethal. She was exiled by her family and their government because they thought she was a curse and meant for a weapon. She was kept in an asylum for almost a year. The reestablishment planned to use her as a weapon. She was afraid of herself and they were torturing her.

5 - Who am I?

Who am I?

Why am I here?

These are the piercing questions that come to me on my 16th birthday.

And this is what i told myself:

I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I can conquer the world. I am special.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

4 - Kryptonite

I love clothes! But who doesn't? Clothing stores have always been a kryptonite of mine. Imagine yourself strolling through the mall and peeking at boutiques with no money. Oh, Sheer travesty!
I was influenced by Blair Waldorf of Gossip Girl says that : whoever says that money can't buy happiness, doesn't know where to shop.

My mom would always take me shopping as a reward. Who doesn't get thrilled walking through isles of H&M? Obviously, not me. I'm ecstatic! My love for clothes are extreme. I am always conscious about how i dressed, afraid to be judged. But still looking on the brighter side, I just want o be happy and contented with myself.

3 - Beloved

I am a child of God. I am beloved. I matter to this world.
I am the eldest child and my mom would always tell me that they loved me first because they have no choice but to love me.
I would laugh at her because that's obvious.
I have a sticky note posted on my mirror that reads: You are beloved. So when every time, I feel unloved.
I would always remember that someone out there loves me unconditionally.
Who else loves me unconditionally?
I smile and thought of God. I am beloved and i can breathe now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

2 - Barely breathing

Sometimes I get suffocated with my life.
I am confused and lost.
And I feel like nobody is there to help me.
I am a Christ - Believer but where are these thoughts coming from?
I refuse to sink but where am I now?
 Sinking in the deepest water.
I am drowning and I am barely breathing.

1 - Perfectly imperfect

Nobody's perfect. -Hannah Montana
Who say's you're not perfect? -Selena Gomez

I say I'm perfectly imperfect because i make mistakes. Having mistakes are the most natural for humans. Nobody's perfect. So Whoy does people still judges others? Why are we so insecure and envious? If we are all the same.

I am wonderfully and fearfully made because God says so. I have flaws, like everyone else but i try to embrace them. I try to practice accepting myself just as I am. my mindset are always to be myself.

You are imperfect permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful. -Amy Bloom